2024 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering (AMCE 2024)
Call For Papers
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Call For Papers

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

New Materials

►Nano Materials and Technology,

►Magnetic Materials

►Superconducting Materials

►New Semiconductor Materials

►A New Generation of Amorphous Materials

►Nano Powder Materials


►Superconducting Materials and Raw Materials

►Smart Materials 

Material Physical Chemistry 

►Dielectric Superlattice and its Microstructure Materials and Devices

►Dielectric, Ferroelectric thin Films and Integrated Devices

►Artificial Band Gap Materials

►All-oxide Heterostructures and Devices

►Nanomaterials and Nanoelectronics

►New Functions Inorganic non-metallic Materials, Microstructure Material Design

►High-performance Computing in Material Design

►Nonlinear Photonics

►Controlled Synthesis and Assembly of Low-dimensional Nanomaterials

►Nanophotonics Materials, etc.

►Colloid and Interface Chemistry 

►Electrochemistry and Biosensors

►Data Physical Chemistry

►Nanotechnology, etc.